The Cardo Font

The Cardo Font

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Below is a sample of text in the Cardo Font
If you can only see plain text here, it's because your browser does not support webfonts and/or "Cardo" font does not support .eot version.

Mauris commodo lectus eu tortor sollicitudin dignissim. Morbi nunc quam, congue at posuere nec, pulvinar ut ipsum. Nullam facilisis ullamcorper venenatis. Duis et leo elit, et aliquam turpis.

In egestas justo at nulla mattis non commodo nulla sodales. Pellentesque vehicula rutrum ante, at euismod mauris dignissim commodo. Nullam vel ligula elit. Quisque ornare interdum aliquet.

Would you like to include this webfont in your website? Just use the following code and place it in your css file.

@font-face { font-family: Cardo; src: url(''); /* IE */ src: local('Cardo'), url(''); /* non-IE */ }

If you do use it please feel free in using the following link on your site.

We use the cardo font as our choice of webfont.

Font Family:
Font Subfamily:
Unique identifier:
DavidJ.Perry: Cardo: 2004
Full name:
Version 0.098 2004
Postscript name:
Cardo is a trademark of David J. Perry.
David J. Perry
David J. Perry
File Description:
A font for scholarly use in classical and medieval languages. Contains characters for many languages as well as those required for quality typography.
Foundry Link:
Designer Link:
This font is free for personal, non-commercial, or non-profit use. It may also be used to prepare camera-ready copy for papers that will appear in academic journals, even if the author of the paper receives remuneration for article. Any other commercial use requires the purchase of an appropriate license. Individuals may give copies to others, as long as all files from the original zip archive are kept together and none is altered. This software may not be posted on any web page, included in any compilation, or sold in any form without the express permission of David J. Perry. Under no circumstances will David J. Perry be liable for any problems that you encounter in using the font or for any loss or damage that results from its use. Downloading and installing the font indicates your acceptance of these terms. Use the font at your own risk.
Pref Style:
Package Contents:
Cardo98s.ttfttfttf fontdownload all
font.eoteotEmbedded OpenType Font-
Manual98a.pdfpdfAdobe PDF file-
install2.txttxttext fileOpen file

Preview of text.

Cardo font


A Cardo font  B Cardo font  C Cardo font  D Cardo font  E Cardo font  F Cardo font  G Cardo font  H Cardo font  I Cardo font  J Cardo font  K Cardo font  L Cardo font  M Cardo font  N Cardo font  O Cardo font  P Cardo font  Q Cardo font  R Cardo font  S Cardo font  T Cardo font  U Cardo font  V Cardo font  W Cardo font  X Cardo font  Y Cardo font  Z Cardo font  
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Sample of font
